Installation services

Company "VVN" offer to its clients a full service package:
Consulting - Project development - Production sales - Delivery - Installation
Up to now, we have developed successful cooperation with major store networks and warehouse logistics centers no only within the Baltic countries but also in the Scandinavian countries.
List of biggest stores installed for retail chain "Top"
Valdemāra street 56, Ainaži |
Rīgas street 5, Smiltene |
Ausekļa street 29, Valmiera |
Rīgas street 51, Saulkrasti |
Shopping mall „Āboliņi”, Aizkraukle |
"Centrs 1", Vecpiebalga |
Daugavas street 97, Skrīveri |
Brīvības street 4, Preiļi |
Baznīcas street 10, Jaunolaine |
Mazozolu store Nr.13, Mazozolu local community |
Cēsu street 2a, Rauna |
Palejas street 28, Jēkabpils |
Rīgas street 13, Ērgļi |
Tērbatas street 18, Valmiera |
Rīgas street 13, Salacgrīva |
Pils street 38a, Alūksne |
Stendes street 23a, Kuldīga |
„Saktas”, Rendas local community |
Brīvības street 12, Stende |
Lielā street 6, Valdemārpils |
Zvaigžņu street 2, Aizpute |
Daugavas street 85, Pļaviņas |
Lāčplēša street 7, Aizkraukle |
Rūpnīcas street 8a, Liepa |
Baznīcas street 2, Smiltene |
Mucenieku street 26, Kuldīga |
Selgas street 1a, Ragaciems |
Ventspils street 9, Sabile |
"Dundegas", Vandzene |
Partizānu street 8, Balvi |
Viestura avenue 35, Rīga |
Planīcas street 69b, Kuldīga |
Rīgas street 65A, Līvāni |
Rīgas street 64, Gulbene |
Rīgas street 64, Valmiera |
Rāznas iela 33, Kaunata |
Malu iela 5, Daugavpils |
Jaunā iela 6A, Mālpils |
Pirts iela 5, Mālpils |
Talsu šosejas, Lapmežciems |
Dzintaru iela 69, Pāvilosta |
“Tūjas”, Slampe |
Gaujas iela 29, Cēsis |
List of biggest stores installed for retail chain "Elvi"
Uzvaras street 5, Dobele |
Vienības street 4, Druva |
Valdemāra street 6, Rūjiena |
Tirgus street, Ventspils |
Īslīces street 9, Bauska |
Avotu street 48, Rīga |
"Dzirnaviņas",Dobeles district |
Skolas street 41, Ceraukste |
E.Dārziņa street 16, Jūrmala |
Daugavpils street 75, Preiļi |
Dzirciema street 41, Rīga |
„Pagasta Ēka”, Tērvete |
Skolas street 7, Ugāle |
Brīvības street 434b, Rīga |
Raiņa street 33a, Madona |
"Staļļi", Vecsaule |
"Gardumi", Džūkste |
Valdemāra street 4, Rūjiena |
Stacijas street 9, Bēne |
Pils street 6, Mežotne |

Up to now, we have established successful cooperation with a number of companies in various European countries.
Major sites in Europe:
AO Johansen: |
Rørvang 3, 2620 Albertslund (6000 pall. places) |
Nokiavej 1,8700 Horsens (120 tek.m h 6m) |
Creativ company: |
Rasmus Færchs Vej 23, 7500 Holstebro (4000 pall. places) |
Fjeldhammerve 23, 2610 Rødovre (1000 pall. places) |
Sønderupvej 24, 6920 Videbæk (10 000 pall. places) |
Scan Global Logistics s /c: |
Helgeshoj Alle 8-14, 2630 Taastrup (1000 pall. places) |
Storgatan 56B, 941 32 Piteå |
Logent: |
Framtidsgatan 3262 73 Ängelholm (6000 pall. places) |