VVN is one of the leading stores and warehouse equipment manufacturers and suppliers in the Baltic and Scandinavian countries with a wide network of cooperation across the Europe. We continue to grow and develop, keeping up with the latest trends and innovations, we are able to work creatively keeping up with the ever changing and modern society.

    We are proud to have over 10 years of experience and knowledge that have enabled us to establish a solid and competitive company specializing in storage, retail and shop equipment. The high quality of our manufactured and supplied products is ensured by certified factories in Latvia and European countries.

    We can provide customers both, finished products and individual development projects. We provide assembly and dismantling services for equipment purchased to us, as well as equipment held by the customers.

    Why choose us as your co-partner?
    Long-term work experience is a proof of knowledge in choosing the right solutions for the client, technically we are able to provide the most suitable solutions, because as manufacturers we have flexible solution possibilities. In the production of equipment, we choose high quality materials from certified factories in Latvia and Europe. We have selected a skilled team of professionals to complete the work. Thanks to our international operations, we are able to provide a permanent and stable range of goods within short delivery times.